An Episode board is a structure that a player must interact with and press A in order to see a menu of episodes that they can select from. The menu of episodes is also referred to as the episode board.
To start an episode in most worlds, the player must click on an episode board which will bring up a menu of episodes where the player will select which episode they want to play. As you get more Happy Stickers and complete more episodes, more episodes become available. Each episode board will have a different set of episodes themed to the world they are in.
Players can scroll through the menu of episodes and view the details of the episodes. If an episode has a sticker logo next to it with a number in it, that means that the player needs to have achieved that many stickers to be able to enter the episode. If the episode has a key icon next to it, that means that if the player completes the episode, they will unlock something in that world (for example, there is an episode in Cinderella's World that if the player clears it, the player unlocks the ability to visit Cinderella's Castle). If the player completes an episode, the next time the player views the list of episodes, the episode that they completed with be marked will the world "cleared" to show that the player cleared the episode.
While scrolling through a menu of episodes, before selecting an episode, the player can preview the details of all of the unlocked episodes on that episode board. Note that the player can not view the details of episodes that they still do not have enough stickers to unlock. Anyways, these details include a brief description of the episode's scenario and the objective of the episode. In Disney Magical World, the player must press Y to view the collectable items/prizes/rewards in that episode. If the episode that the player is previewing is one where they earn a guaranteed reward at the end, the rewards and their rarities will be listed in the details if the player presses Y. If the player presses Y while previewing a quest episode, they can view which items they can possibly collect in that quest, and the items' rarities (the rarities influence how likely each item is to show up on that quest). If the player presses Y while previewing a dance episode, they can view the possible prizes that they can earn for doing well, and they can view each prize's rarity. In Disney Magical World 2, all of those item details can be viewed without pressing Y. In both games, while the player views those item details, if any of the materials listed/shown are in the player's recipes/materials log, one of the three recipe icons will appear next to the item's listing. A crucial detail that a player can view before a quest episode is the enemy strength (how strong the enemies in that quest are). In Disney Magical World, the rank of the enemy strength is fractionally represented with 1to 5 shaded stars while in Disney Magical World 2, it is represented with 1 to 3 shaded ghost icons. However, for dancing episodes in Disney Magical World 1, the dance's difficulty is marked with 1 to 3 shaded stars and in Disney Magical World 2, it is represented with a word such as "easy", "medium" or "difficult". Another detail that is shown while previewing quest episodes is a note stating whether there is a fishin' hole in the quest. In Disney Magical World, this note is represented by the words "fishin' hole:" after the colon being either the word "yes" or "no". In Disney Magical World 2, this note is represented by an icon of a fishing rod and if there is no fishin' hole in the quest, the icon will appear crossed out). Finally, in Disney Magical World 2, while previewing a quest episode, the number of stages in the quest is noted.
In quest episodes, after selecting the quest, the game will recommend the equipment that is best for the particular quest. The player will get the choice to head out with the recommended equipment, or they can choose what to wear.
Types of episode boards in each world[]
Cinderella's World[]
The episode board is represented by a teal signpost. It is in the far north of Cinderella Square.
Alice's World[]
This is the only world with two episode boards and they are both represented by teal signposts. One is in the forest to the right and the other is in the royal garden in the hedge maze. To gain access one in the hedge maze, the player must disguise themselves as a card soldier so that they don't get caught by the card soldiers (Once the player gains access to it for the first time, they no longer will have to wear the disguise to revisit the episode board).
Aladdin's World[]
The episode board is represented by the magic carpet that the player must talk to in order to view the episode menu. It can be found under the bungalow that the player will enter once they go up the staircase that is North of Agrabah.
Hundred Acre Wood[]
The episode board is a small brown sign that is attached to a tree in the Hundred Acre Wood.
In Disney Magical World, there is no real episode board in this world since all of the episodes take place in the magic dungeon (in the first game, in the magic dungeon, instead of there being several assorted quests, there are infinite quests, all with the same format that the player can enter and the enemies change every time). In Disney Magical World 2, the player must walk up to the entrance of the Magic Dungeon and press A to bring up the episode board menu.
Jack's World[]
The player must walk up to the pirate ship and press A to bring up the menu.
Lilo & Stitch's World[]
The episode board is represented by a sign that is attached to a tent.
Snow White's World[]
Ariel's World[]