Disney Magical World Wiki

MP (Magic Points) is a feature in the Disney Magical World games. It is a gauge of energy, similar to the HP gauge.

MP is a form of magical energy that is needed in order to use a Special attack in quest episodes. A special attack is a powerful burst of magic that is used by pressing Y in quests and varies with the type of wand the player has. At the beginning of every quest, the player starts with the number of MP that corresponds to the wand they have, with stronger wands offering more MP (and are selected for you via Recommended Equipment). The gauge for MP is represented on the lower left corner of the screen, consisting of various multicolored stars in a vertical column, each one representing 1 MP. To gain MP, attack enemies with magic, and they will drop tiny blue stars. Collect these stars to refill the gauge by 1 MP each. If the player runs out of MP, they won't be able to use a special attack until they collect at least 1 blue star to get the MP back. Each special attack consumes 1 MP, so they must be used wisely. Normally, the player character starts with 2 MP. For the second wand of a world onward, 1 MP is added to the gauge for each wand you get, with the maximum amount of total MP being 6 MP (2 MP + 4 additional MP).
