Disney Magical World Wiki

Similar articles: gardening, hundred acre wood, food, flowers

Seeds are useful items the player can buy, find, or get as a reward from doing favors, to help with growing new species of food or flowers, or just to duplicate their quantity.

Players can plant seeds in the hundred acre wood world in their own garden.

Seeds do not require any maintenance other than being watered. The water will last for 1 hour before they need more. Weeds may also grow in the field and reduce the harvest of the seed. There is no way to upgrade the watering can to increase the length, but sometimes Winnie the Pooh and friends will lend a hand by watering and/or pulling weeds.

Seeds in each world[]


Name Ranking Location Appearance Grow Time
Purple Cosmos Bronze Castleton Pond (Proper Rod) A large mauve seed with a cosmos flower 3 min
Four-Leaf Clover Seed Bronze Castleton Pond (Proper Rod) A large light green seed with a four-leaf clover 3 min
Colorful Clover Seed Bronze Castleton Pond (Proper Rod) A large white seed with a colorful clover design 5 min
Hibiscus Seed Silver McDucks A big red seed with a red hibiscus image 1 hour
Balloon Apple Seed Silver Request reward A light red, acorn-shaped seed with a bright red apple. 1 hour, 30 min
Eggfruit Seed Bronze Request reward White acorn-shape with yellow eggfruit. 10 min
Tropical Herb Seed Bronze Request reward Basic seed-shape that is a gradience of pink, yellow, and blue. On it, a white herb plant. 45 min
Polka Dot Tulip Seed Bronze Castleton Pond (Proper Rod) A red seed with a tulip on it. On the tulip are pale spots. 3 min
Seed of Sprouting Special Castleton (Shop of Wonder) A red seed with a Mickey symbol on it with a tiny flower sprouting on its head 4 hours
Seed of Bounty Special Castleton (Shop of Wonder) An orange seed with a sun on it 4 hours


Name Ranking Locaton Appearance Growth Time
Grace Lily Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering Lilac acorn-shape with purple lily 15 min
Moonbeam Lily Seed Silver Early episodes, gathering Powder blue acorn-shaped seed with blue lily. 1 hour
Moonlight Herb Seed Silver MIddle episodes, gathering Dull gold, basic seed-shape with dark gold herb. 1 hour
Mini-Pumpkin Seed Bronze Later episodes, gathering A light orange, very wide near the bottom seed with a pumpkin. 15 min
Wishing Herb Seed Gold Gathering, Late eps A blue seed with a dark blue herb on it. 2 hours


Name Ranking Location Appearance Growth Time
Ruby Red Rose Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A wide bottom seed with a red rose 30 min
Bright White Rose Seed Silver Early episodes, gathering A white, wide bottom seed with a pale gray rose. 1 hour
Aqua Tulip Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A blue acorn-shape seed with Tulip. 15 min
Yellow Tulip Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A yellow acorn-shape seed with a Tulip. 15 min
Pink Lily Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A pale pink acorn-shaped seed with a fuchsia lily 15 min
Dewdrop Iris Seed Silver Middle episodes, gathering A lavender, heavy-looking seed with purple Iris. 1 hour
Snowbell Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A white acorn-shaped seed with a green Snowbell. 15 min
Naptime Herb Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A blue and purple gradient seed with a purple herb on it. 5 min
Green Mint Seed SIlver Early episodes, gathering A Green basic seed-shape with green herb. 1 hour
Twinkling Herb Seed Silver Middle eps, gathering A blue and lilac gradient seed with a cyan herb plant 1 hour
Fortune Herb Gold Extra episode, gathering A thin lavender-violet seed with a purple herb 2 hours
Big Acorn Seed Silver Tulgey wood, gathering An acorn (shape and color) seed with a brown, big acorn on it. 1 hour
Cocoaberry Seed Bronze Early episode gathering A thin brown seed with the cocoaberry on it. 5 min
White Cocoaberry Seed Silver Early episode gathering A cream-white seed with white cocoaberry. 1 hour, 30 min
Honey Carrot Seed Silver Middle eps, gathering A golden seed with an orange carrot 1 hour, 30 min
Rainbow Clover Seed Gold Late eps, gathering A large rainbow seed with a white clover on it. 2 hours
Jet Black Rose Seed Gold Late eps gather A wide bottom seed with a black rose 2 hours

100 Acre Wood[]

Name Ranking Locaton Appearance Grow Time
Sunny Daisy Seed Bronze Anywhere, gathering A big yellow seed with a golden-yellow Daisy 10 min
Fluffy Dandelion Seed Silver Anywhere, gathering A yellow seed with golden-yellow dandelion 1 hour
Blue Thistle Seed Silver Beyond the river, gathering A pale indigo seed with a big blue thistle 1 hour
Tinklebell Seed Silver Beyond the river, gathering A pale yellow seed with golden tinkebell depicted on it. 1 hour
Mini-Carrot Seed Bronze Request Completion Pale orange seed with orange carrot image. 5 min
Wheat Seed Bronze Anywhere, gathering Dull brown seed with a brown wheat image. 3 min
MIni-Apple Seed Bronze Castleton Request Pale red, acorn-shape seed with red apple. 3 min
Milkberry Seed Bronze Castleton Request A stretched out, cream, basic-seed shape with milkberry on it. 3 min
Aromatic Nut Seed Bronze Castleton Request Pale brown seed with brown aromatic nut. 3 min
Rotund Onion Bronze Anywhere, gathering Pale brown acorn-shape seed with brown onion image. 3 min
Mini-Tomato Seed Bronze Anywhere, gathering A pale red bottom-heavy seed with a red tomato image. 5 min
Sweet Tomato Seed Silver Beyond the river, gathering A wide, pale red seed with a big red tomato image. 1 hour
Beefy Acorn Seed Bronze Anywhere, gathering Light brown acorn-shaped seed with brown acorn image. 15 min
Creamy Chestnut Seed Bronze Castleton Request Pale brown, acorn-shape seed with brown chestnut image. 45 min
Xtra-Creamy Chestnut Seed Silver McDucks Light orange acorn-shape seed with brown chestnut image. 1 hour, 30 min
Butterynut Seed Bronze Castleton Request Bright yellow seed with dark gold, butterynut image. 15 min
Golden Butterynut Seed Silver Castleton Request Gold, acorn-shape seed with golden glittery butterynut image. 1 hour, 30 min
Yellow Citrus Seed Bronze Anywhere, gathering Gold seed with golden citrus image. 45 min
Orange Citrus Seed Silver Beyond the river, gathering Pale orange seed with an orange citrus image. 1 hour, 30 min
Sweetberry Seed Silver McDucks A bottom-heavy, pale magenta seed with a magenta strawberry. 1 hour, 30 min
Premium Sweetberry Seed Gold Castleton Request A bottom-heavy seed of magenta, pink, and cream-yellow gradience. On it, a white strawberry. 2 hours
Crown Milkberry Seed Silver Castleton Request A thin cream-colored seed with a light gold, glittering milkberry on it. 1 hour, 30 min
Barley Seed Silver McDucks A big, light gold seed with a white barley image. 1 hour, 30 min
Big Turnip Seed Gold Later episodes A white seed with a green turnip shape. 3 hours
Mysterious Golden Seed Special Rare Seed A large golden seed with an image of a radish 4 hours
Spooky Carrot Seed Gold Rare Seed An orange-shaded seed with the image of a carrot without a grassy top. 3 hours, 3o min
Primegrain Seed Gold Rare Seed A large, ivory seed with a lined grain depicted on it. 2 hours
Mysterious Rose Seed Gold Rare Seed A large golden seed with a rose on it. 2 hours, 30 min
Mysterious Flower Seed Special Rare Seed A large brown seed with the white outline of a sunflower on it 3 hours
Royal Milkberry Seed Gold Rare A long golden seed with a shiny milkberry design. 2 hours


Name Ranking Location Appearance Growing Time
White Lilium Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A white seed with a pale gray-lilac Lilium image. 15 mins
Dogbane Seed Silver Agrabah Bazaar A large acorn shaped seed of pink with a dogbane on it. 15 mins
Sunny Herb Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A big light orange seed with a herb image. 15 mins
Ancient Herb Seed Silver Agrabah Bazaar A large blue-white gradient seed with a herb on it. 1 hour
Spicy Spicefruit Seed Bronze Early episodes, gathering A bottom-heavy, pale seed with a red spicefruit image. 10 mins
Abundant Coffee Bean Seed Gold Late eps A large light brown seed with a dark brown leaf. 2 Hours
Spiceberry Seed Silver Agrabah Bazaar A dull gold seed with a dark gold spiceberry image. 1 Hour

Port Royal[]

Name Rank Location Appearance Growth Time
Frangipani Seed Bronze Middle Episodes A white bottom seed with a silhouette of 3 orange flowers depicted on it 1 hour
Yellow Hibiscus Seed Silver Middle Episodes A big yellow seed with a hibsicus image 1 hour
Passionate Heliconia Seed Gold Later Episodes An orange seed with the image of some sort of spiky plant 2 hours
Undersea Mango Seed Bronze Middle Episodes An aqua-blue seed with a fruit image 2 hours
Pirate Pineapple Seed Gold Later Episodes A long orange-yellow seed with an image of a pineapple with anchors sticking from the top 2 hours


Name Rank Location Appearance
Spooky Pumpkin Seed Silver DLC/McDuck's during Halloween A big, round gold seed with a spooky pumpkin face

Disney Magical World 2[]


Name Rank Location Appearance
Mini Tomato Seed Bronze Goofy’s Garden A red, wide bottomed seed, depicting a tomato
Mini Berry Seed Bronze Goofy’s Garden A pink, wide bottomed seed depicting a Mini Berry,

which looks like a strawberry

Eggfruit Seed Bronze Episode 4 A pale, cream colored seed depicting an egg-shaped fruit
Mini Apple Seed Bronze Fishing A red seed, depicting an apple
Green Leaf Seed Bronze Episode 4 A green, thin seed depicting a green herb
Purple Cosmos Seed Bronze Episode 4 A wine purple seed, depicting a round, spiky flower
Polka Dot Tulip Seed Bronze Episode 4 A red seed depicting a polka-dotted tulip
Twinkle Flower Seed Gold Episode 4

Favor Reward: Peter Pan

A pale yellow seed, depicting a star-shaped flower


Name Rank Location Appearance
Coconut Seed Bronze Episode 4

Episode 13

A brown seed, depicting a coconut
Fizz Berry Seed Bronze Episode 4


A pink seed, depicting a round fruit
Ocean Mango Seed Bronze Episode 4 A thin, blue seed, depicting a mango
Popping Pinapple Seed Silver Episode 10

Episode 13

A thin, gold seed depicting a pinapple
Planetary Pinapple Seed Special Episode 17 A thin, gold seed depicting a pinapple with rings, like the planet Saturn
Tropical Banana Seed Gold Episode 15

Episode 17

A yellow, wide bottomed seed depicting a bunch of bananas
Hibiscus Seed Bronze Episode 4 A dark red, wide bottomed seed, depicting a hibiscus flower
Sunny Hibiscus Seed Silver Episode 13 A yellow, wide bottomed seed, depicting a hibiscus flower
Blazing Hibiscus Seed Special Planting Hibiscus and Sunny Hibiscus next to eachother A yellow seed, with red gradients, depicting a hibiscus flower with a flame pattern
Summer Daisy Seed Silver Episode 13

Episode 15

A thin, pink seed depicting a round flower
Fragrant Plumeria Seed Silver Episode 13

Episode 15

A thin, white seed, depicting a plumeria flower
Chunky Cactus Seed Gold Episode 10

Episode 13

A green, wide bottomed seed, depicting a cactus


Name Rank Location Appearance
Marine Saltfruit Seed Bronze Episode 3

Episode 8

A thin, light blue seed depicting a round,

melon-like fruit with a water ripple pattern

Sea Vanillafruit Seed Bronze Episode 1

Episode 5

A thin, light cream seed depicting a round, melon-like fruit
Ocean Cherry Seed Bronze Episode 2

Episode 6

A red seed, depicting a pair of cherries


Name Rank Location Appearance
Arctic Barley Seed Bronze Episode 1

Episode 7

A brown, wide bottomed seed depicting a seed
Cocoa Bean Seed Bronze Episode 5 A thin, dark brown seed, depicting a pair of cocoa beans
White Cocoa Bean Seed Gold Episode 13 A grey-blue seed, depicting a pair of cocoa beans
Arctic Pear Seed Bronze Episode 5

Episode 7

A thin, yellow-brown seed, depicting a pear
Frosty Leaves Seed Bronze Episode 5

Episode 7

A thin, light green seed depicting a set of 3 leaves
Ice Flower Seed Broze Fishing A blue seed depicting a 6-petaled flower
Mini-Crocus Seed Bronze Episode 12 A purple, wide bottomed seed depicting a crocus flower
Frosty Crocus Seed Gold Episode 12

Episode 13

A pale blue, wide bottomed seed depicting a crocus flower
Icy Crocus Seed Special Planting Mini-Crocus

and Frosty Crocus next to eachother

A blue and purple gradiented flower, depicting a crocus flower

Alice's World[]

Name Rank Location Appearance
Cookie Barley Seed Silver Episode 3

Episode 6

A brown, wide bottomed seed depicting

a 3 leafed plant, with a checkerboard pattern

Jumbo Acorn Seed Silver Episode 1

Episode 5

A dark brown seed depicting an acorn
Green Mint Seed Bronze Episode 2

Episode 5

A thin, mint colored seed depicting an herb
Spicy Herb Seed Bronze Episode 3

Episode 8

A thin, orange seed depicting an herb
Naptime Herb Seed Bronze Episode 2

Episode 7

A thin, light blue and purple gradiented seed depicting an herb
Twinkling Herb Seed Silver Episode 10 A thin, light purple and mint gradiented seed,

depicting an herb with a cloud of magical smoke

Maiden’s Mint Seed Gold Episode 6

Episode 10

A thin, pink seed depicting an herb with a heart shaped

leaf on top

Jelly Mushroom Seed Bronze Episode 4 A green seed depicting a mushroom
Ruby Red Rose Seed Bronze Episode 5

Episode 11

A red, wide bottomed seed depicting a rose
Bright White Rose Seed Silver Episode 6

Episode 11

A white, wide bottomed seed depicting a rose
Jet Black Rose Seed Gold Plant Ruby Red Rose

and Bright White Rose next to eachother

A black, wide bottomed seed depicting a rose
Royal Rose Seed Special Plant Jet Black Rose

and Golden Apple next to eachother

A golden, wide bottomed seed depicting a rose

100 Acre Wood[]

Name Rank Location Appearance
Spooky Carrot Seed Special Plant Carrot and

Winter Carrot next to eachother

A thin, orange seed depicting a triangular shaped carrot
Starfall Raddish Seed Special Plant Twinkle Flower

and Big Turnip next to eachother

A thin, yellow seed depicting a large raddish
Sweet Tomato Seed Silver Episode 3

Episode 10

A dark red, wide bottomed seed depicting a tomato
Carrot Seed Bronze Episode 1

Episode 5

A thin, orange seed depicting a carrot
Pumpkin Seed Bronze Episode 9 A dark orange, wide bottomed seed depicting a pumpkin
Roly-Poly Potato Seed Bronze Episode 2

Episode 7

A light brown seed depicting a round potato
Barley Seed Silver Episode 2

Episode 5

A brown seed, depicting a pale colored, 3 leaved plant
Butterynut Seed Bronze Episode 4

Episode 9

A yellow seed depicting a plant that looks like a baked potato
Rich Butterynut Seed Gold Episode 13

Episode 16

A yellow seed depicting a golden plant that looks like a baked potato
Creamy Chestnut Seed Bronze Episode 4

Episode 8

A brown seed depicting a chestnut
Extra-Creamy Chestnut Seed Silver Episode 6

Episode 8

An orange seed depicting a chestnut
Crown Milkberry Seed Silver Episode 3

Episode 12

A thin, cream colored seed depicting a plant

that looks like a cow’s udders, it is sparkling

Royal Milkberry Seed Special Plant Milkberry and

Royal Milkberry next to eachother

A thin, golden seed depicting a white plant that looks

like a cow’s udders, it is sparkling

Heartful Berry Seed Silver Episode 6

Episode 11

An orange and red gradiented, wide bottomed seed depicting a heart-shaped berry
Yellow Citrus Seed Bronze Episode 4

Episode 6

A yellow seed depicting a round citrus fruit
Orange Citrus Seed Silver Episode 6

Episode 10

An orange seed depicting a round citrus fruit
Hunny Melon Seed Silver Episode 7

Episode 11

A thin, light green seed depicting a melon
Beefy Acorn Seed Bronze Episode 3

Episode 7

A brown seed depicting an acorn
Sweetpea Seed Silver Episode 7

Episode 12

A pink, wide bottomed seed depicting a sweetpea flower
Sunflower Seed Bronze Episode 5

Episode 12

A thin, brown seed depicting a pale sunflower
Solar Sunflower Seed Special Plant Sunflower and

Sweetpea next to eachother

A light orange seed depicting a sun-symbol

Snow White's World[]

Name Rank Location Appearance
Balloon Apple Seed Bronze Episode 1 A red seed depicting an apple
Green Apple Seed Silver Episode 2 A green seed depicting an apple
Golden Apple Seed Special Plant Balloon Apple

and Green Apple next to eachother

A golden seed depicting an apple
Spicy Spicefruit Seed Bronze Episode 2 A red, wide bottomed seed depicting a 3 leafed plant
Red Mushroom Seed Bronze Episode 1 A red seed depicting a mushroom
Sunshine Lily Seed Bronze Gathering


A yellow seed depicting a lily flower


  • The rarer the seed, the more time it takes to grow. (some seeds like the Dogbane are exceptions to this rule)
  • The only 2 seeds that don't produce harvests are the Seed of Sprouting, which helps nearby plants grow faster, and the Seed of Bounty, which increases the harvest of the plants around it. Those are both bought at the fortune shop in Castleton.
  • In the Nintendo Switch port of Disney Magical World 2, the location for the Golden Apple Seed states “Mix red with blue!” This is incorrect, as a Ballon and Green apple are needed to create a Golden Apple Seed, a blue apple is not in the game.

