Disney Magical World Wiki

Hi! I recently changed the font but I'm not sure if it is good or not. It tried to make it match the font from the game. Below are some representations of the themes from both games. The red buttons kind of came out of no where but I like what they look like. If anyone comes across this, what do you think about the theme of the wiki and are there any customization changes that should be made about the colors such as...

  • The red buttons on the wiki. I don't have anything against the red buttons but are they valid? It kind of reminds everyone of Mickey Mouse though and that is good so we can keep them.
  • The fact that the theme resorts to the first game. I honestly like the color scheme but many wikis like to update the theme to the latest state of the game.
  • The dark purple toolbar at the bottom of the page that would look good with a DMW2 theme but is kind of contrasting when it comes to the current DMW theme.

It would be good if the theme of the wiki made it look like it would actually of been pulled out of the game. It already does kind of look like that. Of course, these statements are only my opinion and I would like to see other users' opinions.

It is fun to be creative when using fandom!

I am asking these questions now because I am currently trying to code something with infoboxes where the infoboxes are a different color depending on what type of thing they are. If its a piece of clothing/a material/a piece of furniture, the infobox will be one color. If it is a character, the infoboxes will be another color etc. Before I choose these colors, I want to make sure of possible theme changes. Red is a prominent color and keeping it would be good so that we keep a Castleton vibe and a Disney feeling to it. However, in the game, the Red almost never appears when it comes to scrolling through the manuals etc (except for in the first game, some words are in bold red". Red still shows up in many characters and areas in the game and having a little bit of that color might not hurt. I also don't want to mess with the Wiki too much because its original self is good how it is. There are just some slight changes that can be made. Please share opinions.

DMW theme[]

The colors are light, joyful , dreamy and kind of bubblegummy. The text is brown.

DMW2 theme[]

This theme is more partyish and parade-like. It is also really cool. The text is white in the manuals. I recommend that you look up the manual just to see what it looks like.

Finally, abt the manual. Why am I using these manuals (which are small factors of the game) to reference the theme of the wiki? Well, the manuals and tutorials of the games really embody the themes. Obviously, the theme goes far beyond the manual and stretches to all the worlds that make up the overall style/theme of the game. Maybe adding more imagery such as photos and patterns on the home page would be good.

Also, even though there are manuals, this wiki already retains much more information than they do.