White Rabbit: Oh, dear... Please pardon my rudeness! I happen to be facing some troubles at home, you see. A very large girl came calling at my house not that long ago. How large, you ask? So large that bits of her stuck out of my house all over! Of course, my poor house didn't last long under the strain--it was destroyed! It most certainly wasn't a dream! It really happened! My house is still in countless pieces, flung hither and yon. I've been repairing it in what little snippets of time I can find in my busy life. But I'll need a lot of materials to do a proper job. I don't suppose you could help me out with that?
White Rabbit: Wonderful! I am most grateful. Could you get started right away? I shan't be able to sleep at night until my poor house is put right. Thank you! And good luck!
White Rabbit: I do wish you'd hurry!
White Rabbit: Well? Have you found any yet? Oho! Look what you've brought for me! Now I can start repairing my poor house, thanks to you. Being always at Her Majesty's beck and call, I simply don't have time for leisurely repairs. But what can I do? Such is the life of one in the service of Her Majesty the Queen. If I'm not constantly running around, she'll have my head! Thank you very much, [Player]!
White Rabbit: Hello there! Why am I not rushing around today, you ask? I do take it easy sometimes, too, you know.
White Rabbit: Ah, Easter! I have been bidden to hide eggs by order of Her Majesty the Queen. It's quite tricky to hide them so they'll be found, you know!
White Rabbit: We meet again! You seem to be quite busy with all your running around. Why, I daresay you're almost as busy as I!
White Rabbit: Ahem! I am a servant of Her Majesty the Queen of Hearts! ...And His Majesty the King as well--I almost forgot!
White Rabbit: Hello, hello! Is it teatime yet? I mustn't be late for teatime!
White Rabbit: Phew... I feel like I'm always in a race against time. Why, if I happen to slow down even slightly, Her Majesty will be quite cross indeed!
White Rabbit: Honestly! I'm glad the Card Soldiers are a loyal bunch, but I do hope they can stop being so daft!
White Rabbit: I'm a bit envious, frankly! Here I am, running around all the livelong day, and that lot in the woods just has tea party after tea party!
White Rabbit: Just because it's spring... doesn't mean I'll suddenly start hopping around everywhere. I mean, haven't you noticed? I can talk!
White Rabbit: All work and no play... I know I work very, very hard, but there's nothing wrong with a spot of relaxation now and then.
White Rabbit: Good evening to you! It's too dangerous to run in the dark. What about me, you ask? Oh, I would never trip!
White Rabbit: Phew, this heat! Summer is awfully hot. And all that running around only makes me hotter!
White Rabbit: Me? I'm free at the moment.
White Rabbit: Greetings!
White Rabbit: Fancy meeting you here!
White Rabbit: Well, you're in fine fettle!
White Rabbit: I'm glad you're happy!
White Rabbit: Yes, er...good show!
White Rabbit: You flatter me!
White Rabbit: You're no slouch yourself!
White Rabbit: Dear me!
White Rabbit: Looking good! Yes, indeed!
White Rabbit: What impeccable manners!
White Rabbit: Not bad at all!
White Rabbit: Has something gone wrong?
White Rabbit: What seems to be the matter?
White Rabbit: Are you quite all right?
White Rabbit: Can it be...? Does your outfit match from top to bottom? Truly? How marvelous! That's no easy feat, I'm sure.
White Rabbit: Do you have a moment? I've grown quite interested in you, I see. Especially your speed! However do you do it?